Macbeth see's the three witches and he demands that they tell him what lies ahead in the future. They give him 3 apparitions each one showing hints about the future. The first ghost tells him that he should be aware of Macduff and what he has planned for him. The second ghost said that he would be never harmed by anyone who was born of a woman. That gave Macbeth confidence that he could never be harmed by anyone. The third ghost says he will not be defeated until the trees of Birnam Woods move toward his castle. Macbeth then realized that he could next be defeated because a forest cant just get up and move.
His confidence then goes away when the witches showed him future kings that resembled Banquo, meaning the prophecy the witches gave him about Banquo's sons being kings will come true. Macbeth hated that that was going to happen so he curse the witches as they faded away. Lennox then comes to inform Macbeth that Macduff had left to go see Malcom so Macbeth goes to kill Macduff's family.